The Power of Pranayama:
Student Testimonials

Explore genuine testimonials revealing how Breathonance and pranayama have changed lives.

Empowered by Breathonance:

Testimonials from our satisfied course practitioners

Experiencing the Breathonance educational session with Dr. Anand was one of the most rewarding experiences of my wellness journey thus far. I have experienced all types, styles, and disciplines of breathwork over the years but this is definitely one that I feel most connected to.

The science and data intrigue the part of my brain that desires facts to back up why we should practice this style of, as Dr. Anand says “breath-play”; but the other half of my brain which deeply resonates with music, fell in love with its artistic and anchoring aspect, where pairing familiar beats with each different breath exercise imprints energetically. I left that workshop not only with an arsenal of concrete techniques but with newly forged relationships with like-minded people as well as confidence in my practice and a rejuvenated sense of self.

Founder- KBMFC and Ambitchious Wellness Lifestyle

Breathonance is unlike any other program I have experienced. It is infinitely powerful in its ability to revolutionize our perspective and our health. Dr. Anand possesses the unique mastery to both guide us through the how-to of the breathwork practice while also educating us on the science of why it works.  As a physician, for me this aspect of Breathonance was key and differentiated this instruction from any other mindfulness or wellness offering.

Physician, Entrepreneur

Learning pranayama from Dr. Amit Anand was a transformative experience for me. Amit is not only a deeply knowledgeable and brilliant individual, but also an exceptional teacher whose positivity shines through in his teachings. One of the things I enjoyed the most about the Breathonance lessons was his unique approach to pranayama, which incorporates music into the sessions!

This brought a refreshing and enjoyable dimension to the practice that made it fun and relaxing at the same time. Amit blends science with spirituality with such ease, making each session an enlightening journey!! I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their life through the practice of pranayama. Amit’s innovative and thoughtful approach and the magic of Breathonance can truly be life changing.

Fashion Designer

When Amit informed me that he was teaching Breathonance, my wife and I jumped at the opportunity to join one of the online sessions! So happy and grateful that we did! We were very fortunate to have been taught meditation practice by Amit over 20 years ago, and have since learned, through practicing Breathonance, that our meditation practices have broadened and deepened beyond measure!

Our group was a wonderful array of soulful individuals looking to improve themselves and their lives, through this practice. The interaction, instruction, laughs, and fun we enjoyed together were a wonderful testament to Amit’s ability to instruct, beautify, and demonstrate his passion.

I could not more highly recommend Breathonance to anyone interested in the profound benefits of a conscious, intentional breathing practice and the resulting expansion of health, life, and connection it offers!

Author “When I Stop Fighting”

My wife and I had the pleasure of taking Dr. Anand's Breathonance Program this year.

Dr. Anand is a kind, engaging and thoroughly knowledgeable instructor. He took us from a place where we had zero understanding of our breathing to one of deep insight. Furthermore he is not someone who just teaches these breath-work techniques, he clearly lives by the values of what he teaches. The result is an amazingly insightful instructor whose background in pulmonary medicine substantially amplifies his ability to explain the physiology behind this ancient practice.

The classes are perfect blend of physiology and philosophy taught by a master in the discipline. The impact on our health has been noticeable. Simply recognizing that we were not aware of our breathing and how deeply out of touch with it we were, has opened our eyes about its importance.  

Once you know what it’s like to breath in rhythmic harmony with your body, it’s easier to recognize those moments when you are not and the impact it has on your health. If you are not feeling grounded and at peace with yourself this class will open your eyes (and your lungs) to a different way of being. We look forward to more classes and teachings with Dr. Anand. It is transformative and we are deeply appreciative that there are people like Dr. Anand in the world willing to teach us.

Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Physician, Hartford CT.

Breathonance is a gift for well-being, thousands of years in the making. Modern science has affirmed the intuitive practice of breath control as an asset in the promotion of relaxation. In addition, this practice enhances lung function, lowers blood pressure and heart rate. These benefits are especially pronounced for those with lung diseases like asthma and COPD.

I have been playing baritone saxophone for over 40 years. Practicing Pranayama has impacted my breath control in astonishing and unexpected ways. I am able to sustain notes for far longer than I ever have. Dr. Amit Anand is the perfect person to elevate this teaching, given his devotion to long term practice and his deep skills as a pulmonologist.

Beautiful music has been added to cue your practice and encourage and reward habit formation. We all need relief and release in this modern world and Breathonance shows us that it is just a breath away!

Music therapist, speech and language pathologist, Educator, Author

I took my breathing for granted until i started working with Dr. Anand.  He introduced me to breathing techniques and exercises that bring silence and calmness between thoughts, improve focus, and allow for more restful sleep.  And he skillfully helped me tailor them in a way that works best for my needs and schedule.  

Everyone can practice Pranayama, which has become an important part of my life.  It is a privilege to know Dr. Anand and to benefit from his enthusiastic approach and deep knowledge of these priceless skills.  

Father of 4 (and Attorney)

I have known Dr. Amit Anand for several years and have been so grateful for his help and depth of knowledge in my journey to learn how to breathe correctly. Being an asthmatic since childhood, I knew that my breathing patterns were not correct, but until a few years ago, I never took the time to learn how to breathe correctly! Dr. Anand introduced me to the Breathonance course which I participated in, as my beginning in the journey of learning how to breathe correctly.

Breath control was a new concept for me. It required constant conscious attention.  The Pranayama techniques taught by Dr. Anand were invaluable, as a “beginner” in mindfulness and controlled exhalation.  Learning how to breathe slowly, and deeply is an ongoing process and has resulted in a calmer mindset, better digestion, reduction in anxiety, and has also allowed me to sleep better and breathe better with far less asthma medications!

The music- guided practice of Breathonance has changed the quality of my life.  The synergistic effect of music and breathing is remarkable. The rhythmic pattern of breath with sound enhances the Pranayama techniques that Dr. Anand teaches and has resulted in an ongoing journey to better health and happiness. I highly recommend this wonderful practice to everyone!


Amit’s Breathonance Program with pranayama techniques that segue into meditation were the highlight of the Fall this year. Even though I had learned pranayama before, they never made their way into active practice for me. He is a fabulous teacher.

His manner of teaching is clear and precise. He ties the health benefits of a regular pranayama practice elegantly to currently available scientific research and data.  His passion, infectious enthusiasm, and the stepwise approach to building a breath-work routine, finally united the desire to practice with the discipline to do so, for me.

The program has heightened my awareness of surroundings and people in day to day dealings; it has imparted a sense of calm and has improved my athletic performance. It allows creating distance from the chaos of modern life and enables addressing it more efficiently and gracefully.  I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is seeking to uncover the potential of their mind, body and who wants to explore and begin to experience the Self that transcends both. It will be very difficult to find a better and more engaging teacher.

Orthodontist, BOSTON, MA

Amit is a masterful instructor. He strikes just the right balance between science and art, healthcare and yoga. As an integrative concierge physician, I believe that using breath-as-medicine is critical to optimizing our health span, and Breathonanceprovides the education we need to do so. I frequently recommend Dr. Anand’s pranayama and meditation instruction to my patients; I have also personally taken his course and found profound benefit to my health and wellbeing.

Wellness Physician, BOSTON, MA

I am understating my praise when I say that course has been a transformational experience for me!

Dr. Amit Anand in a masterful way provides practical and easy-to-follow demonstrations of the building blocks of the ancient practice of Pranayama. Until I did this course, I had never imagined how powerful the regulation of our breath can be in shaping our psychology and physiology in profound ways.

On surface, the practice of pranayama seems to be quite simple and you can find dozens of videos about it on YouTube. But upon closer scrutiny there are many nuances to each exercise in addition to their sequence and timing. I had made many prior attempts to learn these breathing exercises but never quite got them right. The Breathonance course brought it all together in a magical way. Not only did Dr. Anand explain each technique in a clear and succinct manner but also pointed out the pitfalls and common mistakes most of us make. There is a method and cumulation to this practice that has emerged over centuries. The starting point for the program is to understand how this practice works. And there is no better person than Dr. Anand to explain in a credible and easily accessible way the growing scientific evidence on Breath-work. It is rare to have a practicing physician explain clearly how these time-tested techniques can be beneficial to us in specific ways. Anyone who has doubts about this practice will surely become a quick convert!

Finally, it is through this course that I developed a fuller appreciation for the fact that Pranayama is not just a physical practice but a way of being in this world. The lessons and experiences of this course have been personally profound for me. I am so glad that Dr. Anand has found a way to make this course accessible to others around the world. I highly recommend this course to beginners and advanced practitioners alike!

Professor,  Harvard Business School

I got introduced to Dr Anand and his Breathonance therapy six months ago by my primary care physician because I was dealing with many years of severe asthma, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. Dr Anand’s thoughtful approach, calm voice and depth of knowledge is extraordinary. The power of progression is hard to overstate. Pranayama hands down has been the single most important therapy I have ever used. The results speak for themselves. My cholesterol has gone down by half as has my blood pressure. Pranayama has facilitated a new era of asthma care in the twenty-first century evidenced by remarkable improvements in my peak flow measurements and my freedom from respiratory symptoms. As for my sleep apnea, I have stopped snoring, and for the first time in years I can sleep comfortably at night without the use of a breathing assistance device at night. Not only is Dr Anand’s Breathonance therapy far superior to any other treatment I have had in years, but it is without doubt the single most useful tool I have added to my life in recent times. And a much-needed antidote to the more traditional method of practicing medicine which involves prescribing lots of pills for a patient.


Dr. Amit Anand is a master teacher. His Pranayama lessons combine the intellectual rigor of a physician scientist with the timeless wisdom of an enlightened yogi.  By showing you how to control your breath, Dr. Anand, helps you live a healthier and happier life!

Former Dean, Harvard Business School

I have had the transformative pleasure of working with Dr. Anand during one of the most dynamic periods of my professional and personal life.  Pranayama is now a consistent and essential part of helping me manage stress and gain control over atrial fibrillation. My career in translating novel medical technology requires a high-level of performance and I have always to engage in high intensity sports.  Dr. Anand’s guidance and compassion applied through Breathonance is allowing me to continuing doing what I love physically and has sharpened my clarity of thought in business.  I wish Breathonance was available to all young people in this country to build long-lasting healthy futures.

CEO RenalytixAI

I first began practicing pranayama with Dr. Anand four years ago. To that point, I had been meditating off and on for about six years but had never been able to maintain a consistent practice. Since I began practicing pranayama, I have noticed an increase in my daily mindfulness. It has brought me a closer connection with my breath and better functioning of my diaphragm and lungs. I have also noticed benefits in stress reduction and stronger immunity. All of this has led to a consistent daily practice, which I attribute in no small part to Dr. Anand's skillful and compassionate teaching.

Boston, Massachusetts

The practices of mindful breathing and meditation have been extremely effective for me, assisting me in dealing with the stresses of everyday living. Being able to focus on my breath and quiet my mind provides me with a sense of being grounded, which in turn makes me feel relaxed, calm and at peace. And as I traveled this road of self-discovery, I was lucky enough to cross paths with Dr. Amit Anand, who along with being a caring medical professional, has also been a wonderful teacher and mentor.


Dr. Amit Anand is an absolutely amazing teacher of both meditation and breath work. I have known Dr. Anand for over 15 years and I have been blessed to have experienced both his friendship and his mentorship.

I am a father, husband, business executive and a world karate champion.

I only wish while I was competing in karate, I knew then what I know now.

Like they say the teacher will appear when the student is ready.

During an extremely difficult time in my personal life about ten years ago, he introduced me to primordial sound meditation and my life has never been the same. After adopting the practices he taught me, my health, mindset and energy have reached levels I never thought were possible. It restored a peaceful and harmonious balance to every aspect of my life. Even through challenging times it’s always my go-to practice.

A year ago I started learning breath work it has helped me manage my asthma and increased my breathing stamina immensely. I never skip a day without my breath work and meditation. It truly is a gift.  I would recommend this ancient practice to everyone.

Vice President, Regional Home Care

We had the enormous privilege of sitting with Dr. Anand on a weekly basis for a few months. Because of the pandemic, we had spent the years leading up to these meetings beginning a journey to a deeper, more meaningful life, after having more time to read, engage in lengthy conversations, go on regular walks together, and experiment with things like meditation, yoga, and various breathing practices.

Honestly, it was a very exciting time for us as a couple as this was all fairly new to us and our circles of friends. It was fun trying different practices to see what emotions and feelings they would elicit. It was fun reading books about topics that weren’t about the same things we’ve been reading for years. And it was just fun connecting with each other in this new way that sparked a really cool new dynamic for our relationship that we had never felt before.

As “fun” as all the new-ness of these practices were, we were ready to elevate this part of our lives to something more structured, with someone we could trust to show us “the way”. And, Dr. Anand could not have been a more perfect person for us.

There is just something about his depth of knowledge and experience that is balanced perfectly with his giddy, light-hearted approach to life and everything and everyone he experiences it with. He has a fiery intensity when he is teaching you the practices he is so passionate about, but a wide-eyed eagerness to learn from you that inevitably ends up with either a mile long smile or deep belly laughter that is nothing short of fully genuine and authentic.

Amit has helped root our practice in something timeless, something we are confident will be part of our lives for as long as we are here, and for whatever lies beyond. We are forever changed because of this man and the path he’s so selflessly shown us…and we couldn’t be more grateful to have his light leading our way.

CrossFit New England, Natick, MA

Breathonance broke down the complex and ancient pranayama techniques and theory into a manageable progressive 7-week program with a practice that I could integrate into my life. I really got to feel the practice build up over the weeks and start to improve my daily routine. I highly recommend it for those seeking to integrate traditional breath work into their routine or self-care protocol.

Physician, Netherlands

I have been a sleep disorders patient of Dr. Anand for a few years and have other connected cardiac and GI related medical issues. Dr. Anand's integrative, cross-discipline approach and clear, quick analysis and insights have helped me better understand my conditions.

As part of the treatment for long time poor sleep quality, I have benefited from Dr. Anand's Pranayama training. The breathing exercises and meditation practice has imparted medical as well as calming psychological benefits.

Soon after starting the Pranayama lessons, I noticed that slow, deep, diaphragmatic breathing just before and after eating quickly reduced GI symptoms, including cold, blue fingers and toes. With Dr. Anand’s ongoing guidance, I have been increasing the adoption of breathing practices to improve daily health quality.


My wife and I took a structured Pranayama course with Amit over the summer - 7 Zoom sessions, each focused on a different practice.  It was a wonderful, life-altering experience.  Practicing breathing and meditation exercises for a few minutes each morning and each evening had felt daunting at first, but Amit’s course helped us build up gradually, and in a way that was easy to adapt to our lifestyle.  He encouraged us to be regular without being dogmatic about how much time we spent on each practice.  Pranayama is now becoming just a part of our lives, a routine.  And the benefits appear to be huge – I feel a tangible lowering of daily stress, a greater ability to stay healthy and recover faster from the usual ailments, and a more positive attitude at each bookend of the day.  I believe the practice is also helping me sleep better, which leads to more energy during the day.

Amit is a terrific teacher, ideal in so many ways – he is very methodical and careful, making sure everyone can understand and keep up; he is also highly structured, with detailed follow-ups to each session. Amit focuses deeply on each person as an individual, and he is very giving and generous with his time, always available and super-responsive to any questions asked.  And even though the course ended a few months ago, Amit is still as available and as responsive as he was during the course.  If only every guide was like him, I think we would all be living healthier and better lives.

A huge thanks, Amit, and we look forward to spending more time with you in the future.

Bain & Company Inc., Boston, MA.

Dr. Anand is a world-class physician and healer. His BREATHONANCE breath-work program is incredibly powerful and has the ability to transform how we show up in our lives through the wonder and the adversity. I am most grateful for the opportunity to have learned from him.


For any seeker on a path towards oneness with all living things, the practice of pranayama feels essential.   Trying to inculcate the 8 limbs of ashtanga yoga into my daily life, I was clearly missing the independent and facilitative benefits of pranayama.   The practice, as taught by Dr. Anand, is simple and easy to integrate into my already established health and spiritual routines.  I also have felt it to be incredibly powerful on its own.  With it, I have noted incredible physiologic, psychological, and spiritual benefits.   I recommend it, as taught by Dr. Anand to family, friends, and patients alike.   I believe it is integral to wellness and has the power to drastically transform both our inner and outer worlds.


Amit is so generous of spirit and such a beautiful person. He knows his breath-work better than anyone and created a calm, wonderful and fun atmosphere in his Breathonance workshop. Not only was it fun and so helpful for my life, but the music was fire!  It was next level amazing.

Actress, Musician

I have been an athlete my whole life.  I thought I knew how to breathe.  I mean, we all do, right?  Wow was I wrong.  I attended Dr. Anand's Breathonance seminar and for the first time in my life I can say I know how to breathe! The techniques that I learned are helpful in every area of my life!  When I incorporate the breathing exercises into my daily life, I sleep better, my body is more relaxed, I am less anxious, I am more focused, my tasks are easier to complete.  I even smile more and have more fun.  Thank you for changing my life, Amit!

Olympic Champion, Nagano 1998

It's been a real privilege learning from Amit. The combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary science and medicine, so effortlessly distilled into each session, has been a wonder to experience.


I feel so fortunate to have met Dr Amit Anand; His caring, thoughtful, patient and professional instruction, over a 3-month period, teaching us the 7-step pranayama-Rx program has been incredibly impactful. My wife and I learned the value of breathing techniques and their ability to impact our health positively in a multitude of ways, provided one is disciplined and committed to it.  I would strongly recommend this course to anyone.

Chairman, Waterford Hotel group

I am a physician who first met Dr. Amit Anand when I saw him as a patient for sleep issues. I decided to take his course to develop a new skill set that would help by complementing or even eliminating the need for medications.  I found the course fascinating for my own needs but also enjoyed learning about the power of pranayama for a broad range of clinical applications, as well as elite sports performance.  The growing and highly credible evidence base, from a global community of researchers, that supports and helps to explain the effectiveness of these ancient practices is exciting to see.  I learned a lot, was deeply inspired, and am sleeping better!


I participated in Dr. Amit Anand's Pranayama Rx course in the summer of 2023. The course material is both practical and grounded in science based on research and Dr. Anand's vast experience as a practicing physician. Dr. Anand brings positive energy and tremendous care in teaching the right methods and techniques for each breathing technique.  As a very active runner and father of two young boys, I found Dr. Anand's techniques and routines to be highly beneficial to my overall health, both physical and mental. I have recommended this course to my family members and friends as the benefits are tangible and life changing.


The dynamics between breath, autonomic function and conscious attention and intention is the next frontier in bio-regulation and healing.Dr. Amit Anand has combined his expertise in Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Yoga and Pranayama to pioneer a revolution in medicine that empowers healthy people for peak living and patients to participate in their recovery to well-being.

Author and wellness expert

Taking the Breathonance workshop with Dr. Amit Anand opened my eyes to the depth and enormity of the Pranayama Breath system.  Pranayama is not just a simple mention in a yoga class but an in-depth study of the energetics of Breath.  This workshop brought the beauty of Pranayama’s ancient wisdom and the integrity of scientific research to support its reason for use.  The addition of music to breath-work was something I have never experienced before and I feel like it took the breath-work to new heights.  The musicians were incredible.  I will take what I have learned and not only use it in my own self-care practice but feel confident that this will bring incredible value to my patients for years to come.


I did not fully understand or appreciate the importance of the more advanced breathing techniques until entering Dr. Anand’s program. Breathing, at its core, is both a physiological necessity and a bridge to deeper aspects of human existence. This program provided me with mindful breathing techniques cultivating an awareness of the breath's movement through the body leading me to a state of calm, focus, and centeredness. This helped to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and foster a sense of harmony within myself and with the world around me. I highly recommend Dr. Anand’s program to anyone seeking to improve the vital link between the mind, body, and spirit. It brought me to a completely new level of awakening, enhancing my physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual depth, and made a deeper connection with the present moment and to life itself.


BREATHONANCE is an amazing amalgamation of Eastern practice of breath-work and Western Scientific literature. Dr. Anand has created a course that incorporates practical instruction on breathing, supported with scientific studies and part inspiration to change lives for anyone who takes the course. Dr. Anand is passionate in his teaching and breaks down the nuances of the practice of breath- work into easily palatable bits for every level. He is gracious and made all content easily accessible so that I could review and re-review it to better improve my practice. Combining breath-work and music takes it yet to another level. I feel indebted for his kindness, eagerness to teach and guidance in learning the fundamentals of Pranayama.


I consider myself incredibly fortunate for having met Dr. Anand and having benefitted from the remarkably unique experience of being introduced to breathwork by someone like him, who is both trained in Western medicine and has cultural roots and extensive experience in the practice of pranayama. Dr. Anand can distill and channel ancient concepts and practices into a series of accessible and practical lessons, which are easy to adopt and follow. He is an incredibly articulate teacher who also happens to be very passionate about the subject and his teachings. Our interactions were very genuine and inspirational. I was often in disbelief how he so generously would dedicate more than an hour of his time to teach me in 1:1 sessions, the fundamentals of pranayama, and not just the practice itself but also the rationale behind it. He always followed up with instructional materials summarizing the lessons and providing videos to go along. As an added bonus, I have never met a more positive person than Dr. Anand – he truly emits positive energy! It has been eight months since our first session. As a testament to the level of interest and commitment Dr. Anand and his teachings have inspired – to this day, I start my mornings with the daily practice he taught me. Without fail. Every single day. I do believe that the benefits from the practice will inevitably follow each and every one of his students. I sincerely hope he manages to maintain this amazing level of energy so that an ever-growing body of students would benefit from it.


My first introduction to Amit was about 20 years ago when he taught me primordial sound meditation.  I knew then how much love and care he puts into his teaching efforts.  A little over 2 years ago he introduced me to Breathonance.  When he explained that through a regular breathing practice you could reduce your daily stress level, improve your respiratory rate and achieve a heightened sense of calm, I was intrigued.  I joined his weekly class and with the same care and love he exhibited before, he walks you through the background of each step, the science surrounding it and the proper technique.  Within a month, I was amazed at how I felt more at peace.  I added this practice to my daily meditation and that peacefulness spilled over into a deeper, more relaxed meditation. I have now been practicing Breathonance for two years and I can honestly say I am amazed at how profound the impact is on my daily life!  It's much easier to control my breath when needed, to calm myself throughout the day and feel much more relaxed and balanced overall.  I am eternally grateful and highly recommend Breathonance for a profound change in your physical and mental well-being.


Amit, thank you for being a friend and a mentor!  I am so thankful for including me in your PranayamaRX Sessions.  I have learned so much about proper breathing techniques and meditation.  These classes and your willingness to assist me on a personal basis have helped me in so many ways both professionally and in my private life.  I try to use Pranayama techniques to approach every difficult situation with a calmness that allows me to remain focused on the goals at hand.  The successful interview process that I faced this past year is just one example of the benefits from your teachings.  I look forward to the continued growth of my practice and your welcomed guidance!


My wife and I both completed this course and found it to be nothing short of an extraordinary experience.  Dr Anand is truly an exceptional teacher. His expertise in yoga coupled with his medical background as a pulmonologist enabled us to delve into breathing techniques that were not only transformative during the sessions but also applicable for everyday situations. We learned techniques that will help address insomnia, shortness of breath, and enhance overall mental well-being. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone seeking holistic improvement in their lives and their breathing.


I had the opportunity to spend several weeks learning from Amit about the power of breathing. Not only did I learn about different breathing techniques, but the importance behind each one. My eyes were opened to the importance of breathing correctly and have used these exercises throughout my day to help relieve stress. Amit is incredibly patient, calming, and informative when teaching his courses.  I have noticed a difference in my own ability to control my breathing after taking his course & highly recommend working with Amit.  His class will help with stress reduction, insomnia, emotion control and your overall life!

Author (A SIMPLE SEED), Motivational Speaker

I am delighted to share my heartfelt testimonial for the Breathonance breathing program led by the exceptional Dr. Anand, the dedicated founder who is not only a practicing physician in Boston but also a genuinely caring individual. His passion for making the practice of pranayama accessible to all is truly inspiring. This program has had a profound impact on my life by bringing calmness to my mind and providing me with an alternative to medications. I firmly believe that resonant breathing is medicine for the brain, just as exercise is for the body. The innovative incorporation of musical notes in this program is a complete game changer, instantly setting the tone for a mindful breathing practice. The harmonious blend of music and breathing techniques creates a serene and uplifting environment that facilitates a deep sense of relaxation and focus. I am immensely grateful for Dr. Anand's dedication and expertise in sharing this transformative practice with the world. It has been a blessing in my life, empowering me to cultivate inner peace and well-being.

Entrepreneur and Builder, Boston, MA

I recently had the privilege of participating in Breathonance program and this course opened my eyes to the incredible benefits of conscious breathing techniques. As a mom to four girls, and a business owner juggling multiple responsibilities, I often find myself overwhelmed and stressed.  This course has been a game-changer in helping me create calm and balance in my life.  One of the most amazing aspects of the course was the depth of knowledge and expertise shared by Amit.  I would highly recommend this online breathing course to anyone looking to improve their overall well-being and unlock the transformative power of breath.

Mental Performance Mastery Coach

Who doesn’t want a healthier and happier life? A calmer mind? As obvious as those answers might be, Dr. Amit Anand masterfully teaches us how one of the best ways to achieve these elusive goals lies in the specifics of an ancient wisdom tradition of breath control.

Chairperson - Bain Capital India Advisors, Cofounder - A.T.E. Chandra Foundation

I had the privilege and pleasure of being invited by Dr. Anand to participate in a 6-week breath work course. By background, I am a Spine Surgeon practicing in a major academic institution in Manhattan.  I was intrigued, and also filled with “healthy skepticism”.  Dr. Anand was welcoming, and met me exactly where I was coming from, as he was with all the student participants.  He was not dogmatic in any manner, but rather extremely knowledgeable about the history of yogic breath work and research, and evidence-based pulmonary physiology. Throughout the course I gained a deeper appreciation for the yogic traditions through information, reason, and results from the practice itself. I continue to voluntarily practice on my own, as a result of his course and excellent tutelage.  I am grateful and enriched by this entire experience, and Dr. Anand is the ultimate ambassador, mentor and coach.

Surgeon, Author, Educator.Manhattan, NY

I had never given much thought to how my breath is connected to my body and mind. Dr. Anand showed me the connection. He taught me how to breathe in a impactful way that makes me feel ready, charged and alive. Specifically, the breathing reduces clutter in the mind.  It clears the deck and cleanses the day of stress.  This helps me focus on the task at hand, free from the pull of my "to do" list. When incorporated into my day, Pranayama serves as a line of separation between the end of one thing and the beginning of another.  I'm able to keep moving forward feeling energized, open and clear.  It allows me to be more present at work and home. After doing one of Dr. Anand’s breathing exercises, I am good to go.  I encourage you to give it a try and witness the positive impacts.


The Breathonance course with Dr. Amit Anand has been simply transformative. It starts with the realization that while breathing might be the most natural and instinctive process for all of us, we are far from doing it effectively. There is much more to the art of breathing than I could have ever imagined. In this course, I learned a range of breathing techniques that are helping me manage my stress levels. From the very first breathwork session, I felt a profound connection to my body and mind. Within weeks of practice, I felt more energized and able to better focus throughout the day. Pranayama has also been a game-changer for my sleep quality: I now fall asleep quicker, wake up refreshed, and am ready to take on the day despite my frequent international travelling. Dr. Amit Anand seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with the latest medical knowledge, guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and inner peace, while fostering a supportive learning environment where you feel empowered to explore and grow. This has made all the difference. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to have embarked on this transformative path; a life-changing experience that will have a lasting positive impact on my life. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Anand´s course to anyone seeking to enhance their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being one breath at a time.

Chief of Research and Analysis at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education

I am honored to have known Dr. Amit Anand for several decades as a fellow clinician. I have followed his journey into yoga and his intention to create awareness of its health benefits. I was fortunate to learn these Pranayama techniques from Dr. Anand along with several clinicians. He was methodical, precise and guided us easily via online sessions. Over months of regular practice of his techniques, I have personally noticed significant health benefits. I am a believer!! As a cardiologist, I have no doubt that Pranayama can help many patients and their health conditions. I am thankful to Dr Anand for bringing awareness and his teachings via Breathonance for the rest of us.

Cardiologist, AUSTIN, TX

I was privileged to experience the Breathonance program with Dr Anand. The complexities around the power of breath were simplified in the 6-week online program. Today it has become an essential part of my daily routine and a way of life for me. The benefits for me personally include higher energy levels and greater concentration. I would endorse it for anyone looking to improve their physical and mental quality of life. Thank you, Dr. Anand!


Dr. Anand and Breathonance have taught me how to breathe!   This brilliant program and the skills I have learned have impacted my life in profound ways.  The techniques ground me daily, acting as an anchor for my daily activities with much better focus and clarity.  I have experienced clear improvements in my ability to stay on task, improving my productivity.  The Pranayama exercises also help calm me when needed.  As we all know, there are times when we simply need to quiet our active minds.   I implement what I call ‘breathing snacks’ which instantly help relax my mind and body.  I literally feel like I can dial-down my sympathetic nervous system immediately. The course is well organized, thorough and extremely well taught.  Dr. Anand is a master.  I can’t possibly recommend this course any more strongly.


Dr Amit Anand’s teaching of the ancient tradition of Pranayama is based on science. Understanding these ancient techniques and then applying it to our modern-day busy lives has been his work- simultaneously using his knowledge as a pulmonologist, critical care and sleep medicine physician. It was during the covid pandemic, he taught me how to apply the pranayama practices, in conditions that literally robbed you of your breath. My husband and I enjoyed Dr Anand’s sessions and learned a lot despite having practiced pranayama for many years. It should be taught to all medical personnel including doctors and nurses. Dr Anand has found the miraculous secret of an ancient yogic method practiced for thousands of years and made it easy to learn!

Vice Chairman Piramal Group, Mumbai, India

I have known Amit for my entire life – he’s my brother! I can say three things with certainty. His only objective is to teach others to breathe, and live, better. He brings to this a combination of scientific rigor and yogic wisdom that I’ve rarely seen. And every person I have recommended to take his course has said it’s been life changing.

Professor, Harvard Business School

Learning Dr. Anand's breathwork techniques was straightforward and the practice has been immensely beneficial.  My overall health, and in particular stress levels, concentration, blood pressure, and mood, have all improved as a result.  

I love that even when things are hectic and I'm pressed for time, a few minutes of breath work can be enough to calm, refresh, and reset me.  A slightly longer session leaves me feeling like I've just had a nice, long, restorative nap.

Incorporating music through breathonance was a game-changer for me.  The rhythmic sounds help to quickly clear my mind and focus on the practice.


Attending Dr Anand’s Breathonance workshop was a deeply enriching experience. The workshop offered a profound journey into the art of breath control and mindfulness. Led by Dr Anand, the sessions were meticulously structured, catering to both beginners and seasoned practitioners, ensuring everyone grasped the nuances of breathwork.

Learning the different techniques from the comfort of my home was convenient yet extremely impactful. Practicing daily has reduced my stress levels and improved my focus. Overall, the Breathonance workshop was more than a learning opportunity – it has been a transformative journey. I strongly recommend Dr Anand’s workshop to anyone interested in exploring the benefits of Pranayama.


I am so grateful to have been able to take Amit’s Breathonance course.  Amit masterfully weaves his incredible scientific knowledge, traditional wisdom, and his genuine passion for breathwork throughout each session. Amit clearly explains how to execute each type of breath, and the science behind it.

Honesty, wisdom, and integrity are displayed in its teaching. An atmosphere of safety and support is established through encouraging group participation. I now have more inner strength, mental clarity, and the ability to believe in myself and hold hope for my future wellness thanks to my learning of breath-fullness practices. I feel like I'm just getting started on this adventure, and numerous other people I spoke with on the course shared this sentiment.

The sessions are designed to improve cardiovascular health, focus and sense of clarity, overall wellbeing and I have noticed that my sleep has improved.

He is a charming, funny, engaging, knowledgeable instructor and I was gravitated towards his resonant voice, which is clear, robust and rich.

I highly recommend this course to anyone to help improve their overall wellness.

Sheila Sacco

I am glad that I learned the Pranayama course from Dr Anand 5 years ago.

I have been practicing it regularly ever since, for 30 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. It has helped me tremendously.

I get sound sleep, enjoy good physical and mental health, and can hold my breath for 90 seconds. At the age of 92, I feel that my chronological age is 72 years, in part due to my pranayama practice!

Kewal Nohria
Former Chairman, Crompton Greaves, India

Learn to Breathe Fully

Begin your journey to better health and a happier life. Enroll now and experience the transformative power of Pranayama.